Добро пожаловать в Россию!
Dobro pozhalovat’ v Rossiyu!
Welcome to Russia!
Russia is located in the eastern hemisphere, spanning the continents of both Europe and Asia. On its northern border is the Arctic Ocean. On its southern border are Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China. To the southwest are the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. To the west are the Black Sea and Ukraine, and to the northwest are the Baltic Sea, Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Norway. Its eastern border is marked by the North Pacific Ocean and North Korea. Russia is the world’s largest country, covering an area of 17,098,246 square kilometers (6,601,670 square miles). The country covers eleven time zones. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or time zone for Russia is UTC+2 through UTC+12.
The country’s official name is the Russian Federation. The capital of Russia is Moscow, also its largest city. The country’s population is 147 million (2021 estimate). Russia’s official language is Russian.
The currency of Russia is the Ruble (RUB). The country has a real GDP of US$4.078 trillion (2021 estimate). Exports include oil, gas, grain (wheat, barley, and buckwheat), maize, sunflower oil, fish (canned, fresh, and frozen), and caviar.
Russia declared sovereignty from the former Soviet Union on 12 June 1990. 12 June is a national holiday known as Russia Day.
What do the colors of the Russian flag mean?
The colors of the Russian flag are white, blue, and red. The most popular explanation holds that white represents “purity, independence and peace, and is also a reference to the old Russian coat of arms.” Blue represents “faith, devotion and justice, and also reminds of the blue color of the mantle of the Mother of God, who is considered a symbol of Russia.” Red “symbolizes courage, strength and bravery, and also reminds of the blood shed for the Motherland.”
For more information about Russia, see the World Factbook, Britannica, History, and Wikipedia.
Read more about Russia:
- Number of visits = 1
- Travel stories from Russia
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